This widget doesn't do anything by it self but it contains all the "base" features that our widgets need. This widget should be "extended" to do anything that you need it to do.
It does require attachment to an svg selection and uses our Notifier widget.
this._config = {
height: {
name: 'Chart Height',
description: 'Height of the chart.',
category: 'Dimensions',
type: 'number',
value: 250,
units: 'px'
width: {
name: 'Chart Width',
description: 'Width of the chart.',
category: 'Dimensions',
type: 'number',
value: 250,
units: 'px'
shouldValidate: {
description: 'Flag for turning off data validation.',
type: 'boolean',
value: true
updateSizeableConfigs: {
description: 'Flag for turning off the mimic of illustrator\'s scale functionality.',
type: 'boolean',
value: true
Data Definition
_Chart._dataDefinition = {};
Base Functions
dataDefinition: function (obj) {...},
config: function (item, value) {...},
accessors: function (item, value) {...},
c: function (item, value) {...},
a: function (item, value) {...},
updateSizeableConfigs: function () {...},
applyTheme: function (themeObj) {...}
Create Widget
This widget doesn't do anything (by itself) so it does not have a createWidget.js